Designers: Peter Lee, Rodney Thompson
Publishers: Wizards of the Coast
Boardgamegeek Info: Lords of Waterdeep
GM: Robert St. Pierre
Demo: Friday 10:30 AM
See schedule for Heat times.
The top two finishers in the final will receive a plaque.
Three heats will be played. Preference will be for 4-player games but we will use 3 or 5 player games as necessary. Base game only. Please note rules modifications outlined below.
Please bring your copy of the game.
Non-Winners will also be distributed among the tables as evenly as possible.
Event Description:
Rule Modifications & Clarifications
Game Setup
- The normal game setup rules should be followed, with the exception that players will randomly determine the initial player order.
- Note that only the base Lords of Waterdeep game will be played.
- If all players agree, then Larissa Neathal (the builder lord) can be removed from the game before dealing out the Lord cards.
- If all players agree, then two lords can be dealt to each player, from which players will choose one to be the lord they use for the game.
Single Game Tiebreakers
- Most Gold (which is the only tiebreaker provided in the rules)
- Most completed quests (Note Mandatory Quests don’t count)
- Most buildings owned
- Die roll
Closed Information
The discard decks are not open information. Only the top card should be visible.
Open Information
A player can ask for the total number of your completed quests and/or number of intrigue cards in hand.
Player Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all players to verify before playing that the game setup is correct and that there are no missing or extra components. If during the course of the game it is found that the game is not complete, then the players will finish the game as is.
It is the responsibility of all players to verify the completeness and accuracy of the scoresheet before it is turned into the GM, who will accept it as is. Please double check your math!
The game winner is to return the following to the GM at the end of the game:
- The completed scoresheet
- Any table numbers, playing cards, etc. used to assign players to tables.
Table Talk/Negotiation
Deal making / negotiating is prohibited and table talk should not include discussions of potential moves, strategy, valuation, etc.
Adjudication Rules
Note that up to 15 minutes of the 2 hour time slot maybe used to kick-off the heat / semi-final. It is expected that games will complete within 90 minutes, which leaves at least 15 minutes of grace time before the GM is required by tournament rules to halt play at the 2 hour mark.
Setting aside the Lieutenant and other affects that gain players more turns, and assuming 1 minute per turn, then a 4-player game would finish within 1 hour and 44 minutes.
Therefore the following Adjudication Rules will be used:
- Time reminders will be given 1 hour, 1 hour 30 minutes, and 1 hour 45 minutes into the time slot.
- At 1 hour 45 minutes any games currently in progress are adjudicated, which means your current round is your last. On a game by game basis, the GM reserves the right to allow a game to continue to the next round if it is felt the players can finish the next round in time.
- As necessary a time limit of 1 minute per player turn will be imposed.
FAQs and clarifications
For the intrigue card “Sample Wares”, what does “unused agent” mean? Does this mean an agent in your agent pool (on your card) or do you re-assign the agent you just played?
It refers to one of your unused agents from your agent pool.
The round ends in the case that no one can legally assign an agent. If only one person cannot legally assign an agent, they must pass.
You must be able to perform all parts of an action to take that action. That means paying the cost of a building, or returning two adventurers for the Three Pearls, etc. So, no, you can’t just block the Builder’s Hall.
No. You must be able to complete all instructions for the space you are choosing in order to take that action.
Yes. Recover the Magister’s Orb allows you to assign an agent to a space containing an opponent’s agent, which trumps the normal rule about assigning agents to buildings in play, as well as assigning agents to spaces containing opponent’s agents.
Yes. Additionally, each time you take a quest, you must place it face up with your other active quests.
No. At the end of the round, if no one has assigned an agent to the Palace of Waterdeep and claimed the Ambassador, the Ambassador is removed from the board.
Yes. It is treated as an opponent’s Agent once it is on the board. When you assign any agent (including the Ambassador or the Lieutenant), you always gain the benefit of the space.
Yes. When you assign an agent to Waterdeep Harbor, that action includes playing the Intrigue card and the effects of that Intrigue card. Therefore, when you gain resources from an Intrigue card you play, you have taken an action to receive those resources. However, if you receive resources from another player’s Intrigue card (for example, if someone other than you played Call for Adventurers), you have not taken an action to gain those resources.
No. You gained the extra resources from the effect of the plot quest, not from the action itself. The benefits of plot quests, and the rewards for completing a quest, never count as being a part of an action.
No. Those Buildings do not have resources placed on them until they are in play.
The round ends immediately.
Yes. The number of empty building spaces on the board is no limit to the number of buildings that can be in play during the game.
No. The number of control markers you have is the maximum number of buildings you can have in a single game.
No. The text in the appendix of the rulebook is in error.
Yes. The Heroes’ Garden simply gives you an opportunity to complete the quest if you have all the required resources. Completing this quest does not count toward your limit of completing one quest each time you assign an agent, so you could potentially complete a second quest after assigning an agent to the Heroes’ Garden.
Yes. If any effect puts a new agent into your pool during reassignment from Waterdeep Harbor, you assign that agent immediately.
One. The plot quest benefit states that once per round when you take an action that provides you with any number of Clerics, you can convert a single adventurer in your Tavern (a Fighter, a Rogue, or a Wizard) into a Cleric.
No. You count as having purchased a building only if you assign an agent to Builder’s Hall and pay the gold cost of the building. Putting a building into play by other means (such as by completing a quest) does not count as purchasing the building. However, if you put a building into play under your control from Builder’s Hall and that building has any victory point tokens on it, you gain those victory points regardless of whether you purchased it or simply put it in play.