
settlersDesigners: Klaus Teuber
Publishers: Kosmos, Mayfair Games
Boardgamegeek Info: Settlers of Catan
Spiel des Jahres (German game of the year) 1995


GM: Marcy Morelli


3 Heats on Friday, Semifinal (if needed) and final on Saturday.

See schedule for Heat times

Prizes & Plaques

No plaques will be awarded but some small prizes will be given to the final table players.

Catan will award HLS points per the normal HLS rules.

Advancing to the 2024 Catan US National Championship tournament

The winner of this event will be guaranteed a seat at the US Nationals in 2024, date and location TBD, with the chance to compete for a trip to the next Catan World Championship (early 2025).

However, in order to advance to the National Championship, you must meet the following criteria:

    • All Participants must be Citizens/Permanent Residents of the USA and be 18 years of age.
    • Players cannot compete in the 2024 Season Qualifiers if they have already won a Qualifier earlier in the 2024 season.

If the winner of the EuroQuest tournament does not qualify to advance, the player in the next position who does qualify will advance.

Event Description

This tournament will follow the rules laid out for the National Championship series. You can read those rules here:

We will try to keep all boards at four players, with three-player boards only where absolutely necessary.


Advancement will be based on the official rules:

    • During a preliminary round, the number of victories will be used to rank players.
    • In case of ties, the total sum of victory points across all three games will be used as the first tiebreaker.
    • If there is still a tie, the second tiebreaker is the sum of the percentage of
      victory points the players earned at their three tables.
    • If there is still a tie, the player with the higher number of second place, then
      third place finishes, wins the tie.
    • If there is still a tie after that, lots will be drawn.

Following the Semi-Finals, rankings for players in places 5-16 will be updated by incorporating the results of the Semi-Final games.
Following the Finals, rankings will be updated by ordering places 1-4 in
order of scores at the Final table.


  1. If there are 29+ players, there will be a semi-final round of 4 boards with the winner of each board advancing to the finals. With 16 – 28 entrants the semi-final will be 2 boards with the first and second place from each board advancing to the finals. With 12-15 entrants, we will skip the semi-final and go directly to the final.
  1. There are four seats in the Final.
  2. Seating is based on ranking from the Preliminary round. The players select their starting position as they did in the Semi-Finals, along with player color in order of their rank.
Tie Breakers:
  1. Victory points in settlements and cities.
  2. Tournament Points as described in Semi-Finals above (?)
  3. (Finals & Semis only) Number of roads, plus number of already-played soldiers & VP cards, plus number of unplayed development cards in hand.
  4. (Finals & Semis only) Number of resources left in hand
Time Limits:
  1. Heats are scheduled for 120 minutes, and elimination rounds are scheduled for 150 minutes. Players should strive to complete their games in this time frame as other players may have plans to play in other tournaments.
  2. We will not end games until one player has reached 10 victory points; however if a game is running particularly long, the GM will begin to enforce a 3 minute limit per turn.

Rules Clarifications:

  1. Free Resources: It is not legal for a player to give or receive a resource card for “free,” either in one trade or in a series of trades. If this occurs, both players are guilty of collusion and are subject to discipline up to and including disqualification from the World Championship program.

For further clarifications, see Section 3.0 of the Official rules.

Official Seating and Game Set-up:

Please refer to the official tournament rules.

Last updated Oct 20, 2023