

Designers: Marc André
Publishers: Space Cowboys, Asmodee
Boardgamegeek Info: Splendor


GM: Rob Murray


Demo: Sat 1:00 PM

See Schedule for heat and elimination round times


The top two finishers from the Final will receive a plaque.

Event Description

Splendor is a game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants of the Renaissance trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops—all in order to acquire the most prestige points. If you’re wealthy enough, you might even receive a visit from a noble at some point, which of course will further increase your prestige.

On your turn, you may (1) collect chips (gems), or (2) buy and build a card, or (3) reserve one card. If you collect chips, you take either three different kinds of chips or two chips of the same kind. If you buy a card, you pay its price in chips and add it to your playing area. To reserve a card—in order to make sure you get it, or, why not, your opponents don’t get it—you place it in front of you face down for later building; this costs you a round, but you also get gold in the form of a joker chip, which you can use as any gem.

All of the cards you buy increase your wealth as they give you a permanent gem bonus for later buys; some of the cards also give you prestige points. In order to win the game, you must reach 15 prestige points before your opponents do.

Preliminary Rounds

3 heats. 4-player games are preferred but we will use 3-player tables if necessary to allow all players to play.

Rules as in the box, no expansions or promos.


Special secondary tie-breaker: The first tie-breaker will be as specified in the rules. The secondary tie-breaker will be reverse turn-order, so a disadvantage to players going earlier in turn order.

Elimination Rounds

The top 16 players advance to the semi- finals, as determined by the standard EuroQuest tiebreakers. Four tables of four players each will be seated.

The winners of the four tables will face off in a final game. In the Final there will be bidding for turn order.

In 2024 Splendor will offer Meeple League points.